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The following document provides a detailed breakdown of the wardenkms.go file, which plays a central role in setting up a key management system using the Warden Protocol.

This file configures and runs WardenKMS, a Keychain application in Go. WardenKMS uses various libraries to provide a secure and efficient key management system compatible with blockchain environments built on the Cosmos SDK. The application is designed for handling key derivation, signature generation, and HTTP-based health checks.

WardenKMS employs a combination of advanced security techniques:

  1. Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallets: WardenKMS uses HD wallets to generate and manage encryption keys. HD wallets allow for the creation of multiple keys from a single master seed, making key management more efficient.
  2. Threshold-based access control: WardenKMS uses threshold-based access control to ensure that sensitive operations, such as key creation and deletion, require multiple approvals.
  3. Homomorphic encryption: WardenKMS uses homomorphic encryption to enable computations on encrypted data without decrypting it first.


WardenKMS makes use of several packages, each fulfilling a specific role:

contextManages context throughout the application lifecycle.
net/httpProvides HTTP server functionalities.
slogImplements structured logging. mathematical utilities. types used in Cosmos SDK. environment variables into Go structs. gRPC connection states. Keychain SDK for Warden Protocol. specific to the Warden Protocol.


The Config struct holds the environment variable configurations required by the application:

type Config struct {
ChainID string `env:"CHAIN_ID, default=warden"`
GRPCURL string `env:"GRPC_URL, default=localhost:9090"`
GRPCInsecure bool `env:"GRPC_INSECURE, default=true"`
DerivationPath string `env:"DERIVATION_PATH, default=m/44'/118'/0'/0/0"`
Mnemonic string `env:"MNEMONIC, default=exclude try nephew main..."`
KeychainId uint64 `env:"KEYCHAIN_ID, default=1"`
KeyringMnemonic string `env:"KEYRING_MNEMONIC, required"`
KeyringPassword string `env:"KEYRING_PASSWORD, required"`
BatchInterval time.Duration `env:"BATCH_INTERVAL, default=8s"`
BatchSize int `env:"BATCH_SIZE, default=7"`
GasLimit uint64 `env:"GAS_LIMIT, default=400000"`
TxTimeout time.Duration `env:"TX_TIMEOUT, default=120s"`
TxFee int64 `env:"TX_FEE, default=400000"`
HttpAddr string `env:"HTTP_ADDR, default=:8080"`
LogLevel slog.Level `env:"LOG_LEVEL, default=debug"`

Here are the key configuration parameters:

  • ChainID: Identifies the blockchain network.
  • GRPCURL: Specifies the URL of the gRPC server.
  • Mnemonic: Provides a default mnemonic for key derivation.
  • HttpAddr: Determines the address for the HTTP server.
  • LogLevel: Sets the logging level (e.g., debug, info).

The main() function

The main() function orchestrates the initialization and execution of the application:

  1. Environment configuration: Parses environment variables into the Config struct.
  2. Logger initialization: Sets up structured logging.
  3. Keychain initialization: Uses a mnemonic phrase and a password to generate a BIP44 Keychain.
  4. Application setup: Configures the Keychain application with details from the Config.
  5. HTTPRequest handlers: Sets up handlers to process key and signature requests.
  6. HTTP server: Optionally starts an HTTP server for health checks.
  7. Application start: Initiates the Keychain application.


Key request handler

The SetKeyRequestHandler processes key requests, specifically for the ECDSA_SECP256K1 key type. Here's how it works:

  1. It first checks if the requested key type is supported (currently only ECDSA_SECP256K1).
  2. The request ID is converted to a big-endian byte array.
  3. The handler derives the public key for the given ID by using the BIP44 Keychain. This derivation follows the path specified in the configuration (m/44'/118'/0'/0/0 by default), with the last number incrementing based on the request ID.
  4. The derived public key is then returned as the response.

This process ensures that each key request generates a unique public key derived from the master seed, following BIP44 standards.

Signature request handler

The SetSignRequestHandler manages signature requests by converting key IDs, signing data, and returning the signature.

HTTP server

WardenKMS can be configured to start an HTTP server for performing health checks. If the application connection to gRPC is ready, it responds with HTTP 200 OK. Otherwise, it returns HTTP 503 Service Unavailable.

http.HandleFunc("/healthcheck", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if app.ConnectionState() == connectivity.Ready {
} else {

Utility functions


This helper function converts a uint64 number into a 4-byte big-endian byte array. It's used to convert key IDs for processing:

func bigEndianBytesFromUint32(n uint64) ([4]byte, error) {
if n > 0xffffffff {
return [4]byte{}, fmt.Errorf("number is too large to fit in 4 bytes")
b := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b, uint32(n))
return [4]byte(b), nil