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Interact with x/async


The IAsync precompile allows calling the x/async module from EVM smart contracts.

This article explains how to use x/async to manage Futures. You'll learn how to call the corresponding functions of the precompile and interact with them after deploying your contract.

To understand how to set up and deploy your project, see Get started.

  • For an overview of x/async functions, refer to Precompiles: x/async.
  • The precompile address is 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000903.

Manage Futures

Create a new Future

To create a Future, use the following code in your contract. It calls the addFuture() function of the precompile.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

interface IAsync {
function addFuture(string calldata handler, bytes calldata input) external returns (uint64 futureId);
event CreateFuture(uint64 indexed futureId, address indexed creator, string handler);

contract AsyncExample {
IAsync constant ASYNC = IAsync(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000903);

function createFuture(string calldata handler, bytes calldata input) external returns (uint64) {
return ASYNC.addFuture(handler, input);

After deploying your contract, you can interact with it by calling the createFuture() function:

# Example using cast (foundry)
cast send --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "createFuture(string,bytes)" "myHandler" "0x1234"

Query Futures

To get a list of all Futures in all states (including pending ones), use the following code in your contract. It calls the futures() function of the precompile.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

interface IAsync {
struct TypesPageRequest {
bytes key;
uint64 offset;
uint64 limit;
bool countTotal;
bool reverse;

struct Future {
uint64 id;
address creator;
string handler;
bytes input;

struct FuturesResponse {
TypesPageResponse pagination;
FutureResponse[] futures;

function futures(TypesPageRequest calldata pagination, address creator)
external view returns (FuturesResponse memory response);

contract AsyncExample {
IAsync constant ASYNC = IAsync(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000903);

function queryFutures(uint64 limit, address creator) external view returns (FuturesResponse memory) {
TypesPageRequest memory pagination = TypesPageRequest({
key: new bytes(0),
offset: 0,
limit: limit,
countTotal: true,
reverse: false

return ASYNC.futures(pagination, creator);

After deploying your contract, you can interact with it by calling the queryFutures() function:

# Example using cast (foundry)
cast call $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "queryFutures(uint64,address)" 10 $CREATOR_ADDRESS

Query pending Futures

To get a list of all pending Futures, use the following code in your contract. It calls the pendingFutures() function of the precompile.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

interface IAsync {
struct TypesPageRequest {
bytes key;
uint64 offset;
uint64 limit;
bool countTotal;
bool reverse;

struct PendingFuturesResponse {
TypesPageResponse pagination;
Future[] futures;

function pendingFutures(TypesPageRequest calldata pagination)
external view returns (PendingFuturesResponse memory response);

contract AsyncExample {
IAsync constant ASYNC = IAsync(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000903);

function queryPendingFutures(uint64 limit) external view returns (PendingFuturesResponse memory) {
TypesPageRequest memory pagination = TypesPageRequest({
key: new bytes(0),
offset: 0,
limit: limit,
countTotal: true,
reverse: false

return ASYNC.pendingFutures(pagination);

After deploying your contract, you can interact with it by calling the queryPendingFutures() function:

# Example using cast (foundry)
cast call $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "queryPendingFutures(uint64)" 10

Query a Future by ID

To query a Future by ID, use the following code in your contract. It calls the futureById() function of the precompile.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

interface IAsync {
struct FutureByIdResponse {
FutureResponse futureResponse;

function futureById(uint64 futureId) external view returns (FutureByIdResponse memory response);

contract AsyncExample {
IAsync constant ASYNC = IAsync(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000903);

function queryFutureById(uint64 futureId) external view returns (FutureByIdResponse memory) {
return ASYNC.futureById(futureId);

After deploying your contract, you can interact with it by calling the queryFutureById() function:

# Example using cast (foundry)
cast call $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "queryFutureById(uint64)" 1

Example contract

Here is an example contract calling all the available x/async functions—it implements a complete interface for interacting with the module. You can use the contract code as a starting point for your own implementations or extend it with additional functionality.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

interface IAsync {
struct TypesPageRequest {
bytes key;
uint64 offset;
uint64 limit;
bool countTotal;
bool reverse;

struct TypesPageResponse {
bytes nextKey;
uint64 total;

struct Future {
uint64 id;
address creator;
string handler;
bytes input;

struct FutureResponse {
Future future;
FutureVote[] votes;
FutureResult result;

struct FuturesResponse {
TypesPageResponse pagination;
FutureResponse[] futures;

struct FutureByIdResponse {
FutureResponse futureResponse;

struct PendingFuturesResponse {
TypesPageResponse pagination;
Future[] futures;

function addFuture(string calldata handler, bytes calldata input) external returns (uint64 futureId);
function futures(TypesPageRequest calldata pagination, address creator) external view returns (FuturesResponse memory response);
function pendingFutures(TypesPageRequest calldata pagination) external view returns (PendingFuturesResponse memory response);
function futureById(uint64 futureId) external view returns (FutureByIdResponse memory response);

event CreateFuture(uint64 indexed futureId, address indexed creator, string handler);

contract AsyncExample {
IAsync constant ASYNC = IAsync(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000903);

// Create a new Future
function createFuture(string calldata handler, bytes calldata input) external returns (uint64) {
return ASYNC.addFuture(handler, input);

// Query all Futures
function queryFutures(uint64 limit, address creator) external view returns (FuturesResponse memory) {
TypesPageRequest memory pagination = TypesPageRequest({
key: new bytes(0),
offset: 0,
limit: limit,
countTotal: true,
reverse: false

return ASYNC.futures(pagination, creator);

// Query pending Futures
function queryPendingFutures(uint64 limit) external view returns (PendingFuturesResponse memory) {
TypesPageRequest memory pagination = TypesPageRequest({
key: new bytes(0),
offset: 0,
limit: limit,
countTotal: true,
reverse: false

return ASYNC.pendingFutures(pagination);

// Query a Future by ID
function queryFutureById(uint64 futureId) external view returns (FutureByIdResponse memory) {
return ASYNC.futureById(futureId);