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Implement the creation of Orders


The OrderFactory contract securely manages the creation and tracking of Orders—instances of the BasicOrder and AdvancedOrder contracts.

The user specifies the desired order type and triggers OrderFactory. Depending on the order type, the following happens:


Store OrderFactory in the src directory, alongside with other contracts.

Full code

You can find the full code on GitHub: src/OrderFactory.sol

Create the OrderFactory contract

Implement the creation and tracking of Orders in a file OrderFactory.sol:

contract OrderFactory is Ownable {
// Track order creators
mapping(address orderAddress => address orderCreator) public orders;
Registry public immutable REGISTRY;
BasicOrderFactory public immutable BASIC_ORDER_FACTORY;
AdvancedOrderFactory public immutable ADVANCED_ORDER_FACTORY;
address public scheduler;

// An event emitted when an Order is created
event OrderCreated(
address indexed orderCreator,
OrderType indexed orderType,
address indexed orderContact

// Create an Order
function createOrder(
bytes calldata _orderData,
Types.CommonExecutionData calldata _executionData,
CommonTypes.Coin[] calldata maxKeychainFees,
OrderType orderType,
bytes32 salt
returns (address order)
if (orderType == OrderType.Basic) {
Types.BasicOrderData memory basicOrderData = abi.decode(_orderData, (Types.BasicOrderData));
order = _createBasicOrder(salt, basicOrderData, _executionData, maxKeychainFees, scheduler);
} else if (orderType == OrderType.Advanced) {
Types.AdvancedOrderData memory advancedOrderData = abi.decode(_orderData, (Types.AdvancedOrderData));
order = _createAdvancedOrder(salt, advancedOrderData, _executionData, maxKeychainFees, scheduler);
} else {
revert UnsupportedOrder();

Next steps

After creating the OrderFactory contract, you can create deployment scripts.