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Example Orders

This section explains how to enable onchain capabilities for a Warden Agent created with the Warden Agent Kit.

The guides you'll find here cover an example we created for demonstration purposes. It implements OrdersSolidity smart contracts performing onchain actions and utilizing AI-driven price predictions.


You can implement custom logic by using Warden modules, Keychains, and other features. In particular, the x/async Warden module allows you to create smart contracts utilizing outputs of AI models.

In our example, Orders perform swaps on Uniswap, but you can make them send any transactions to any Ethereum-based and EVM L2 app. For example, your application can transfer ETH or call an arbitrary contract.

Full code

Please note that the articles in this section typically contain only fragments of code.
You can find the full code of the example on GitHub: /orders

Order types

You'll learn how to build two types of Orders:

  • Automated Orders: the BasicOrder contract

    The basic automated Orders monitor prices and automatically execute token swaps on Uniswap when user-defined price thresholds are met, signing transactions with Keychains.

  • Automated Orders with price prediction: the AdvancedOrder contract

    This is a more advanced version of automated Orders. It uses the x/async module to make AI-driven price predictions. Then it performs token swaps based on these predictions, signing transactions with Keychains.


    The price prediction model is just an example of what you can build with x/async. With this module, you can implement any logic combining offchain computation with onchain verification—limited only by your imagination.


The core logic of Orders in implemented in two smart contracts:

Both Order types share common infrastructure:

Get started

To get started, take thise steps:

  1. Meet the prerequistes.
  2. Build the infrastructure for Orders.