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The development environment

Before you start, set up the development environment:

  1. Install Foundry by running the following command:

    curl -L | bash \ 
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    forge install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts
    forge install Uniswap/v2-periphery
  3. Configure foundry.toml:

    auto_detect_solc = false
    block_timestamp = 1_680_220_800
    bytecode_hash = "none"
    evm_version = "paris"
    fuzz = { runs = 1_000 }
    gas_reports = ["*"]
    optimizer = true
    optimizer_runs = 10_000
    solc = "0.8.25"

    bracket_spacing = true
    int_types = "long"
    line_length = 120
    multiline_func_header = "all"
    number_underscore = "thousands"
    quote_style = "double"
    tab_width = 4
    wrap_comments = true

The project structure

Create the following project structure:

├── mocks/ # Mock services
├── script/ # Deployment scripts
├── src/ # Core contracts
└── test/ # Test files
Full code

You can find the full code of the example on GitHub: orders

Required knowledge

Warden features

You should learn about the following Warden features:


Guides in this section require the knowledge of the following Solidity concepts:

  • Contract inheritance
  • Interface implementation
  • Events and error handling
  • Factory patterns

You should be also familiar with the following smart contract patterns:

abstract contract Base {
// Base functionality

interface IExecution {
// Execution interface

contract Implementation is Base, IExecution {
// Implementation details

Next steps

After meeting these prerequisites, you can start creating helpers and utils.