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Omnichain Applications

Omnichain Applications (OApps) are a powerful evolution of traditional smart contracts. They allow signing transactions at any chain, while traditional smart contract applications only target users of a single chain.

An example of an OApp is SpaceWard – our application functioning as the front-end interface for Warden.

Section overview

  • Build a custom smart contract
    Get started with OApps and build a basic Omnichain Contract, which is the main part of any Omnichain Application.

  • Build with WardenJS
    Here you'll find information on WardenJS – a tool used for building the frontend part of your application. Stay tuned in for more frontend guides.

  • Useful links
    To learn more about building smart contracts, check our list of CosmWasm resources and developer guides.

  • Examples of OApps
    Here you can find a full list of available OApps.