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Orders with price prediction

This section explains how to implement advanced automated Orders with price prediction—smart contracts that execute token swaps on Uniswap based on AI-driven price predictions. Our example uses Keychains for signing transactions and the x/async Warden module for price predictions, extending the basic automated Orders that operate on simple price thresholds.


The price prediction model is just an example of what you can build with x/async. With this module, you can implement any logic combining offchain computation with onchain verification—limited only by your imagination.

You'll take the following steps:

  1. Implement the core logic of Orders in the AdvancedOrder contract: set up prediction integration, handle multiple price sources, and implement time windows.
  2. Implement the creation of Orders in AdvancedOrderFactory: create the validation logic and enable prediction setup during deployment.
  3. Deploy an Order: configure a prediction, set up price pairs, monitor the prediction result.
Full code

Please note that the articles in this section typically contain only fragments of code.
You can find the full code of the example on GitHub: orders

Key features

The key features of automated Orders with price prediction include the following:

  • AI-driven price predictions: Orders make price predictions with the x/async module and handle the comparison of predicted and actual prices. Two types of price pairs are available: oracle and prediction.
  • Complex price conditions: This Order type supports strict inequality comparisons (<, >), complex condition evaluation between oracle and predicted prices, and price normalization across different decimals.
  • Time-windowed execution: The execution of Orders is limited by a 24-hour validity window for predictions. Once this time frame ends, Orders expire automatically.

Here are the core components implementing these features:

contract AdvancedOrder {
// Prediction integration
uint64 public futureId; // Track the prediction request
uint256 public constant PRICE_PREDICTION_DECIMALS = 16;

// Enhanced price data
Types.AdvancedOrderData {
PricePair oraclePricePair; // The oracle price pair
PricePair predictPricePair; // The prediction price pair
PriceCondition priceCondition;

// The execution window
uint256 private _validUntil; // The 24-hour window

Get started

To get started with automated Orders with price prediction, take the following steps:

  1. Build the infrastructure for Orders.
  2. Implement Orders.