Implement Orders
The AdvancedOrder
contract implements the core of logic of this example—automated Orders with price prediction—smart contracts that execute token swaps on Uniswap based on AI-driven price predictions.
Orders with price prediction extend the basic automated Orders. This article will guide you through creating the AdvancedOrder
contract, focusing on the implementation of the advanced features. You'll implement the following core components:
contract AdvancedOrder is AbstractOrder, IExecution {
// Prediction tracking
uint64 public futureId;
uint256 public constant PRICE_PREDICTION_DECIMALS = 16;
// Price feed components
ISlinky private immutable SLINKY_PRECOMPILE;
IAsync private immutable ASYNC_PRECOMPILE;
// State variables
Types.AdvancedOrderData public orderData;
Types.CommonExecutionData public commonExecutionData;
uint256 private _validUntil;
bool private _executed;
bytes private _unsignedTx;
Store AdvancedOrder
in the src
directory, alongside with other contracts.
You can find the full code on GitHub: src/AdvancedOrder.sol
1. Initialize the prediction system
First, initialize the prediction system:
Types.AdvancedOrderData memory _orderData,
Types.CommonExecutionData memory _executionData,
CommonTypes.Coin[] memory maxKeychainFees,
address scheduler,
address registry
) AbstractOrder(
) {
// Initialize prediction request
string[] memory predictTokens = new string[](2);
predictTokens[0] = _orderData.predictPricePair.base;
predictTokens[1] = _orderData.predictPricePair.quote;
// Request a price prediction
futureId = ASYNC_PRECOMPILE.addFuture(
// Set the validity window
_validUntil = block.timestamp + 24 hours;
// Store the configuration
orderData = _orderData;
commonExecutionData = _executionData;
2. Implement price monitoring
Now implement price monitoring:
function canExecute() public view override returns (bool) {
// Check the time window
if (block.timestamp > _validUntil) return false;
// Get the prediction result
FutureByIdResponse memory future =
if ( == 0) return false;
// Decode the predicted prices
uint256[] memory predictedPrices = abi.decode(
// Get the oracle price
GetPriceResponse memory priceResponse = SLINKY_PRECOMPILE.getPrice(
// Normalize the prices for comparison
uint256 predictedPrice = _getPriceInQuote(
(uint256 oracleNormalized, uint256 predictedNormalized) =
return _checkPriceCondition(oracleNormalized, predictedNormalized);
3. Implement price normalization
Create utilities for price normalization:
function _normalizePrices(
uint256 price1,
uint256 price2,
uint256 decimals1,
uint256 decimals2
) internal pure returns (
uint256 normalizedPrice1,
uint256 normalizedPrice2
) {
// Align decimal places
uint256 maxDecimals = decimals1 > decimals2 ? decimals1 : decimals2;
normalizedPrice1 = price1 * (10**(maxDecimals - decimals1));
normalizedPrice2 = price2 * (10**(maxDecimals - decimals2));
function _getPriceInQuote(
uint256 priceA,
uint256 priceB,
uint256 decimals
) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return (priceA * 10**decimals) / priceB;
4. Check the price condition
Create a function checking if the price meets a given condition: >=
than the threshold—see the PriceCondtion
enum in Types.sol
function _checkPriceCondition(
uint256 oraclePrice,
uint256 predictedPrice
) internal view returns (bool) {
if (orderData.priceCondition == Types.PriceCondition.GT) {
return oraclePrice > predictedPrice;
} else if (orderData.priceCondition == Types.PriceCondition.LT) {
return oraclePrice < predictedPrice;
} else if (orderData.priceCondition == Types.PriceCondition.GTE) {
return oraclePrice >= predictedPrice;
} else if (orderData.priceCondition == Types.PriceCondition.LTE) {
return oraclePrice <= predictedPrice;
return false;
5. Test the contract
To test the contract, use the following code:
contract AdvancedOrderTest is Test {
function test_PredictionIntegration() public {
// Mock prediction response
bytes memory predictionOutput = abi.encode([uint256(1000), uint256(1)]);
1 // futureId
futureResponse: FutureResponse({
result: FutureResult({
id: 1,
output: predictionOutput,
submitter: ""
function test_TimeWindow() public {
// Fast forward past validity
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 25 hours);
function test_PriceNormalization() public {
uint256 price1 = 1000; // 3 decimals
uint256 price2 = 1; // 6 decimals
(uint256 norm1, uint256 norm2) = order.exposed_normalizePrices(
price1, price2, 3, 6
assertEq(norm1, 1000000);
assertEq(norm2, 1);
Security measures
In the previous steps, you've implemented the following security measures:
- Time window management
Orders will automatically expire after 24 hours. This prevents stale predictions from being in use._validUntil = block.timestamp + 24 hours;
- Price normalization
The contract will handle different decimal places, providing protection from overflow in multiplication operations.function _normalizePrices(...)
- Prediction validation
The contract will check for valid prediction results and verify the prediction data format.
Next steps
After creating the AdvanceOrder
contract, you can implement the creation of Orders.