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Implement Orders


The BasicOrder contract implements the core of logic of this example—automated Orders that monitor prices and automatically execute token swaps on Uniswap when user-defined price thresholds are met. Note that you can extend some parts to implement Orders with price prediction.

This article will guide you through creating the BasicOrder contract. You'll implement the following architecture:

contract BasicOrder is AbstractOrder, IExecution {
// Core components
ISlinky private immutable SLINKY_PRECOMPILE;
Registry private immutable REGISTRY;

// Order configuration
Types.BasicOrderData public orderData; // Price conditions
Types.CommonExecutionData public commonExecutionData; // Transaction details

// State tracking
bool private _executed;
bytes private _unsignedTx;

Store BasicOrder in the src directory, alongside with other contracts.

Full code

You can find the full code on GitHub: src/BasicOrder.sol

1. Create core components

First, define the state variables and imports:

contract BasicOrder is AbstractOrder, IExecution {
// State variables (extensible)
ISlinky private immutable SLINKY_PRECOMPILE;
Registry private immutable REGISTRY;

// Data structures (extensible)
Types.BasicOrderData public orderData;
Types.CommonExecutionData public commonExecutionData;

// The state tracking (extensible)
bool private _executed;
bytes private _unsignedTx;

Note: You can extend and expand all these components to implement Orders with price prediction.

2. Create a constructor

Now create a constructor with validations. As shown in the code below, your constructor should handle the following tasks:

Types.BasicOrderData memory _orderData,
Types.CommonExecutionData memory _executionData,
CommonTypes.Coin[] memory maxKeychainFees,
address scheduler,
address registry
) AbstractOrder(
) {
// Validate the threshold price
if (_orderData.thresholdPrice == 0) revert InvalidThresholdPrice();

// Initialize the price feed (extensible: you can add prediction prices)
REGISTRY = Registry(registry);

// Store the order data (extensible)
orderData = _orderData;
commonExecutionData = _executionData;

3. Implement price monitoring

In the canExecute() function, implement the logic for monitoring prices. This function should check if the price meets a given condition: >= or <= than the threshold—see the PriceCondtion enum in Types.sol.

function canExecute() public view returns (bool value) {

GetPriceResponse memory priceResponse =
SLINKY_PRECOMPILE.getPrice(orderData.pricePair.base, orderData.pricePair.quote);

// Check the price condition (extensible: you can implement more complex price conditions)
Types.PriceCondition condition = orderData.priceCondition;
if (condition == Types.PriceCondition.GTE) {
value = priceResponse.price.price >= orderData.thresholdPrice;
} else if (condition == Types.PriceCondition.LTE) {
value = priceResponse.price.price <= orderData.thresholdPrice;
} else {
revert InvalidPriceCondition();

4. Implement trade execution

In the execute() function, implement the logic for executing trades. This function should do the following:

  • Verify the caller and conditions
  • Pack the swap data for Uniswap
  • Create and encode a transaction
  • Request a signature through the Warden precompile
  • Emit the Executed() event
  • Register the transaction in the registry
  • Return the execution status
function execute(
uint256 nonce,
uint256 gas,
uint256 maxPriorityFeePerGas,
uint256 maxFeePerGas
) external nonReentrant returns (bool, bytes32) {
// Security checks
if (msg.sender != scheduler) revert Unauthorized();
if (_executed) revert ExecutedError();
if (!canExecute()) revert ConditionNotMet();

// Build a transaction
(bytes memory unsignedTx, bytes32 txHash) = encodeUnsignedEIP1559(
new bytes[](0), // An empty access list (you can change it in the advanced version)

// Request a signature and track its execution
_executed = createSignRequest(

if (_executed) {
_unsignedTx = unsignedTx;
emit Executed();

return (_executed, txHash);

5. Test the contract

To test price conditions, use the following code:

function test_priceConditions() public {
// Test the GTE condition

To test the execution flow, use this:

function test_execution() public {
(bool success, bytes32 txHash) = order.execute(
1, // nonce
200000, // gas
0, // unused
2 gwei, // maxPriorityFeePerGas
100 gwei // maxFeePerGas

Security measures

In the previous steps, you've implemented the following security measures:

  • Reentrancy protection
    function execute(...) external nonReentrant { ... }
  • Access control
    if (msg.sender != scheduler) revert Unauthorized();
  • State management
    if (_executed) revert ExecutedError();

Extension points

To implement Orders with price prediction, you need to extend your basic contract with the following advanced features:

  • Complex price conditions
    The basic implementation shown in this guide supports the <= and >= price conditions:
    Types.PriceCondition condition = orderData.priceCondition;
    if (condition == Types.PriceCondition.GTE) {
    value = priceResponse.price.price >= orderData.thresholdPrice;
    } else if (condition == Types.PriceCondition.LTE) {
    value = priceResponse.price.price <= orderData.thresholdPrice;
    } else {
    revert InvalidPriceCondition();
    In the advanced implementation, you can add strict inequality comparisons: < and >.
    function _checkPriceCondition(uint256 oraclePrice, uint256 predictedPrice) internal view returns (bool) {
    if (
    (orderData.priceCondition == Types.PriceCondition.GTE && oraclePrice >= predictedPrice) ||
    (orderData.priceCondition == Types.PriceCondition.LTE && oraclePrice <= predictedPrice) ||
    (orderData.priceCondition == Types.PriceCondition.GT && oraclePrice > predictedPrice) ||
    (orderData.priceCondition == Types.PriceCondition.LT && oraclePrice < predictedPrice)
    ) {
    return true;
    return false;
  • Multiple price sources
    The basic implementation uses prices from a single source—the oracle service:
    GetPriceResponse memory priceResponse = SLINKY_PRECOMPILE.getPrice(...);
    In the advanced implementation, you can use oracle and prediction prices:
    function _getPrices() internal virtual returns (uint256[] memory) {
    // ...
  • A time-based execution window
    In the advanced implementation, you can limit the execution of Orders by a validity window:
    uint256 public validUntil;

Next steps

After creating the BasicOrder contract, you can implement the creation of Orders.