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Deploy an Order


This article will guide you through deploying and monitoring automated Orders.

You'll deploy the following:

When you implement more advanced Orders with price prediction, you'll deploy them in a similar way, adding extra parameters for the advanced features.

1. Set up the deployment

To set up your deployment, take the following steps:

  1. Create an .env file with your environment configuration:
# Network settings

# Account settings
MNEMONIC="your mnemonic phrase here"
  1. Install dependencies and compile all contracts:
yarn install
forge build

2. Deploy an Order

  1. Load the environment:

    source .env
  2. Deploy the infrastructure by using the main deployment script:

    forge script script/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy \
    --rpc-url $RPC_URL \
    --broadcast \
    --chain-id $CHAIN_ID

    This will deploy the OrderFactory and Registry contracts.

  3. Set the Order parameters:

    THRESHOLD_PRICE="3324181371"  # Target price in oracle decimals
    PRICE_CONDITION="0" # 0 for LTE, 1 for GTE
    PRICE_PAIR='("ETH","USD")' # Oracle price pair
  4. Set the transaction parameters:

    (100000000000000,\ # The value (in wei)
    11155111,\ # The chain ID
    0x467b...1f,\ # The target contract
    0x7ff3...)` # Encoded swap data
  5. Deploy an Order by using the script for creating Orders:

    forge script script/CreateOrder.s.sol:CreateOrder \
    --rpc-url $RPC_URL \
    --broadcast \
    --sig "basic(uint256,uint8,(string,string),(uint256,uint256,address,bytes))" \

Utility commands

To monitor your Order and get additional Order data, use the commands listed below.

Monitor the Order

Monitor the Order state

  • Check if the Order is executable:
    cast call $ORDER_ADDRESS "canExecute()"
  • Check if the Order is executed:
    cast call $ORDER_ADDRESS "isExecuted()"
  • Get the execution data:
    cast call $ORDER_ADDRESS "executionData()"

Monitor events

  • Monitor the execution:
    cast logs $ORDER_ADDRESS "Executed()"
  • Monitor new transactions:
    cast logs $REGISTRY_ADDRESS "NewTx(address,bytes32)"

Monitor prices

  • Get prices from the oracle:
    cast call $SLINKY_PRECOMPILE "getPrice(string,string)" "ETH" "USD"

Debug the Order

Check the transaction

  • Get the unsigned transaction:
    cast call $ORDER_ADDRESS "getTx()"

Get data from the registry

  • Get the order creator from the registry:
    cast call $REGISTRY_ADDRESS "executions(address)" $ORDER_ADDRESS
  • Get the transaction details from the registry:
    cast call $REGISTRY_ADDRESS "transactions(bytes32)" $TX_HASH


Here are some of the common deployment issues and solutions for them:

  • The Order creation fails
    Solution: Check the salt usage and verify the registry status.
    cast call $FACTORY_ADDRESS "usedSalts(bytes32)" $SALT
    cast call $REGISTRY_ADDRESS "isRegistered(address)" $ORDER_ADDRESS
  • The Order execution fails
    Solution: Check the price feeds and verify the scheduler permissions.
    cast call $SLINKY_PRECOMPILE "getPrice(string,string)" "ETH" "USD"
    cast call $ORDER_ADDRESS "scheduler()"

Extension points

When you implement more advanced Orders with price prediction, you'll deploy them in a similar way, adding extra parameters for the advanced features:

  • Prediction integration
  • Complex price conditions
    PRICE_CONDITION="2"  # 2 for LT, 3 for GT
  • Time windows
    cast call $ORDER_ADDRESS "validUntil()"

Next steps

After deploying an automated Order, you can start implementing automated Orders with price prediction.